May 30, 2023

Is your Houston area home allergy free? What about the flooring?

Living with allergies can be a constant battle, especially when it comes to maintaining a clean and allergen-free home environment in our allergy-ridden southeast part of Texas. One significant factor to consider in reducing allergens is the type of flooring you choose. Certain flooring materials such as carpeting harbor dust, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens, exacerbating allergy symptoms. Consider the following choices in flooring for radically improving your allergy situation.

Hardwood floors, in addition to their beauty, provide relief from allergy stimulants.Unlike carpeting, hardwood floors do not trap allergens and can be easily cleaned. Regular sweeping or vacuuming, along with damp mopping, can effectively remove dust and allergens from the surface. 

Tile flooring, particularly ceramic or porcelain, is highly recommended for allergy sufferers. Tiles have a smooth and non-porous surface that resists the accumulation of dust mites, pet dander, and pollen. They are easy to clean and can be wiped or mopped with allergen-reducing cleaning solutions. 

Vinyl flooring, another good choice, is an affordable and allergy-friendly option. High-quality vinyl is resistant to allergens, as it has a smooth and non-absorbent surface. It is easy to clean, requiring only regular sweeping and damp mopping. And there are types of vinyl flooring specifically designed to be hypoallergenic and free from harmful chemicals, such as phthalates.

Laminate flooring also offers a durable and low-maintenance solution for allergy sufferers. Similar to vinyl, laminate floors have a sealed surface that repels allergens. They can be easily cleaned with regular sweeping and damp mopping.

Cork flooring is a natural and eco-friendly option that is gaining popularity among allergy sufferers. Cork has a unique cellular structure that resists the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria. It also repels dust mites and is naturally hypoallergenic. Regular sweeping or vacuuming, followed by damp mopping, is sufficient to maintain a clean and allergen-free cork floor.

When selecting flooring for allergy sufferers, it is essential to avoid carpeting, as it can trap and hold allergens. If you prefer the comfort of carpet, consider low-pile carpets or carpet tiles that can be easily removed and cleaned. 

Regardless of the flooring material you choose, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep allergies at bay. And by selecting the right flooring, you can minimize allergy symptoms and create a comfortable and allergy-friendly home for you and your family. Contact Flooring Pros for their help in picking out the right flooring for your home. They are experts
